Olympic Games

More Than A Game

The Olympic Games are the world’s only truly global, multi-sport, celebratory athletics competition. With more than 200 countries participating in over 400 events across the Summer and Winter Games, the Olympics are where the world comes to compete, feel inspired, and be together.

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Featured Game

From 26 July to 11 August

XXXIII Olympiad

The Paris 2024 Olympic Games will be the biggest event ever organized in France. This will be the third time that Paris has hosted the Summer Olympics, having previously held the games in 1900 and 1924. The 2024 edition is poised to blend tradition with innovation, showcasing not only the vibrant culture and history of France but also the future of the Olympic Movement.

Paris 2026 MEDALS

One of the key aspects of any Olympic Games is the medals that are awarded to the top athletes and teams in each event. The medals were designed with the intent to reflect the spirit and history of Paris and the Olympic Games.

The Paris 2024 Olympics will be a celebration of sport, culture, and sustainability. The medals, emblematic of excellence and achievement, will reflect not only the individual accomplishments of athletes but also the spirit of the host city and its commitment to innovative and responsible practices. The story of the Paris 2024 medals encapsulates a blend of history, art, and modernity, celebrating both the past and the future of the Olympic movement.

Medals design features several elements:
Symbolism of the Republic: The medals incorporate elements that echo the French Republic’s values of liberty, equality, and fraternity, emphasizing the cultural heritage of France.
Olympic Flame and Iconography: The design often includes imagery connected to the Olympic flame and some iconic symbols of Paris, like the Eiffel Tower, albeit in a more abstract representation.
Sustainability: Another important aspect of the 2024 medals is sustainability. The organizers aim to create the medals using recycled materials, which aligns with global efforts to promote sustainability in Olympic practices.
Material Composition: The medals will be made of materials that have been mined and manufactured with a focus on environmental responsibility. The gold medals are typically made of silver with at least 6 grams of pure gold plating, while silver medals are made of pure silver, and bronze medals are made from a mix of copper, tin, and zinc.

Olympic Medals

Paralympic Medals

Paris has a rich Olympic history, having previously hosted the Games in 1900 and 1924. The 2024 Games mark the centenary of the 1924 Olympic Games, which adds a layer of historical significance to the event. This connection is often celebrated in the designs and themes associated with the Games, highlighting the evolution of sports and international unity over the past hundred years.

Paris 2026 Mascots

The mascot for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games is named “Phrygian.” Phrygian represents a Phrygian cap, which is a symbol of freedom and the pursuit of liberty, historically associated with the French Revolution. The cap has become a national symbol in France.

Mascots design features several elements:
Historical Significance: The Phrygian cap, a soft, conical cap that is often red, dates back to ancient times and has been used in various cultures. In the context of the French Revolution, it became emblematic of the fight for freedom and the rights of the citizenry.
Symbolism & Appearance: The cap symbolizes the republican ideals of freedom, sovereignty, and empowerment for the people. The Phrygian mascot features a vibrant red color, reflecting the traditional color of the cap, and it has a playful and friendly demeanor. The design aims to embody the spirit of sportsmanship, creativity, and community that the Olympic and Paralympic Games promote.
Cultural Representation: The mascot is intended to resonate with both the historical and cultural context of France, serving as a bridge between the past and the present.
Engagement: The organizers hope that the mascot will engage audiences of all ages, promoting interest in the games and the values they represent, such as inclusion, equality, and respect.
Promotional Activities: The mascot will be featured in promotional activities leading up to and during the Games, aimed at engaging fans, particularly younger audiences, and enhancing the overall experience of the events.
Connection with Athletes: It is also designed to create a connection with athletes and visitors, reinforcing the theme of unity and the celebration of sports and cultural exchange.

Overall, the Phrygian mascot is not just a fun character; it’s a reflection of France’s rich history and an embodiment of the principles of the Olympic and Paralympic movements. It represents a celebration of sport, culture, and community in a global context.

Next Games

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